


The present Document is an offer made by
(hereinafter referred to as the Contractor) to conclude a Contract on rendering consulting services based on the terms mentioned below

1. Terms and definitions

Offer – The present Document Consulting Services Rendering Offer published in the Internet at the following URL: https://bruno-cash.com

Offer acceptance – Complete and unconditional acceptance of the Offer by means of making the actions stipulated in Section 6 of the Offer. By Offer acceptance the Parties conclude the Contract.

Contract – Commutative contract between the Customer and the Contractor in terms of rendering of consulting services which is concluded by means of the Offer acceptance.

Customer – The person executed the Offer acceptance and, therefore, is the Customer of the Contractor's Services in accordance with the concluded Contract.

2. The subject of the Contract

2.1. The subject of the Contract is compensated rendering of Services for the Customer by the Contractor by means of predictions for results of sport events based on the Offer terms and conditions.

2.2. The volume of the Services rendered is determined by the package of Services chosen by the Customer at the following website: https://bruno-cash.com

Types of Service packages and included predictions:

  • 1-day Premium access - 1 Premium prediction;
  • 7 days Premium access - 7 Premium predictions;
  • 30 days Premium access - 30 Premium predictions during 30 days;
  • 30 days Chat subscription - 30 days access to the Private Chat with predictions.

2.2.1. Purchasing one of the listed options (except Chat subscription) Customer gets the Premium access to predictions of sports events on https://bruno-cash.com website. Type of sport/championship/ country etc. remains at the discretion of the Contractor.

2.2.2. If Customer purchases 30 days Chat subscription, the Customer gets access to the Private Chat in our Telegram Channel during 30 days, where our Sports Analysts and Experts publish their predictions for the upcoming sports events. This type of package represents a renewable subscription for the Service (please read the Cost of the services in paragraph 4).

3. Terms of the Services rendering

3.1. The result of the Services rendering is considered as providing the Customer with an access to predictions of sports events made by the Contractor’s analysts. The Service is considered to be rendered from the moment of providing the Customer with an access to predictions of sports events on https://bruno-cash.com website in accordance with the amount of predictions in the package paid by the Customer. An e-mail, containing the Service description and the procedure of predictions receiving sent to the Customer’s e-mail address stipulated at the registration, is the confirmation of the Service rendering (providing with an access to the paid package of Services).

3.2. Having agreed with the present terms of the Offer the Customer acknowledges and agrees with the fact that the actual results of sport events may not correspond to the predicted ones as well as further usage of the received predictions of sport events and potential negative financial consequences are subject to the Customer’s responsibility.

3.3. The Contractor does not receive bets for sport events and is not a bookmaking company.

3.4. Predictions are published on the website as and when they are made by the predictions authors. The present Contract conclusion does not guarantee receiving predictions on the daily basis to the Customer.

3.5. Having made acceptance of the present Offer the Customer confirms that they have studied Risk Notification published at URL: https://bruno-cash.com/risk, and acknowledges that the Contractor shall bear no responsibility for the Customer’s losses and any damage (direct or indirect) connected with further usage of the predictions (including making bets and gambling) received in accordance with the present Contract (including making bets and gambling) and shall not reimburse any of them.

3.6. The Customer shall not publish and distribute in the Internet the information on predictions of sport events received from the Contractor and shall not use it for commercial purposes. In case of violation of the terms of the present Clause, the Customer shall reimburse all the Contractor’s losses arose in connection with that.

4. Cost of the Services and terms and procedures of payment

4.1. Cost of the Contractor’s Services and their complete description has been published on the website at URL: https://bruno-cash.com on the page of each package of the Services. Services are provided in full provided they are 100% (one hundred percent) of their payment by the Customer. Payment by the Customer for services performed on the website https://bruno-cash.com system of receiving electronic payments.

4.1.1. Next types of Service packages are charged by one-shot transaction:

  • 1-day Premium access;
  • 7 days of Premium access;
  • 30 days of Premium access;

4.1.2. Next type of Service packages represents a renewable Subscription with 30 days period of charge:

  • 30 days Chat subscription

Cost of the Service is published at https://premium.bruno-cash.com

4.1.3. The Subscription could be cancelled by request via email to [email protected] minimum a working day before the planning payment date.

4.1.4. By any disputes or questions, Customer could send the request to [email protected]

4.2. The Services are rendered in full providing their 100% (one hundred percent) payment by the Customer. Payment for the Services is made by the Customer on https://bruno-cash.com website through the system of e-payment receiving. Payment Service via credit card is provided by Service is provided immediately after payment

4.3. Cost of the Services may be subject to further changes. Changes in the Services cost come into force from the moment of the changed prices contained in the description of the Services packages at URL: https://bruno-cash.com publishing.

5. Policy of refund

5.1. Having considered terms of clauses. 3.1 and 3.2 of the Contract, the Customer acknowledges that in case of the difference between the prediction and the actual result of a sport event the money paid for the prediction must not be returned to the Customer. The Service is considered to be rendered from the moment of the Customer’s providing with an access to predictions of results of sport events on website https://bruno-cash.com by the Contractor in accordance with the package of predictions paid by the Customer.

5.2. Should the Customer reject receiving paid Services upon the Contractor’s providing an access to predictions of results of sport events, then the cost of the Services must not be reimbursed to the Customer as the Service is considered to have been rendered by the Contractor.

5.3. The customer understands and agrees that the Service is valid indefinitely and may be terminated at any time by the Customer's refusal to continue using this Service by notifying the Contractor. The Customer's refusal to pay for the corresponding period of Service provision by default does not constitute the Customer's refusal to continue using this Service.

5.4. In most cases, the funds paid for the Service are not refundable. If you think there was an error during the invoice procedure, please contact our tech. support team and we will try to solve the problem together.

5.5. Refunds may be made for erroneous debiting, if the Customer's Service was not suspended after Notifying the Contractor about the refusal of the Service.

5.6. The approximate return period is up to 7 business days, depending on the number of requests. On average, the refund takes 3 business days.

6. Offer acceptance and Contract concluding

6.1. The Customer executes the Offer acceptance by means of registration on https://bruno-cash.com website and making downpayment for the Contractor’s rendering of the Service.

7. Collecting and storage of the Customer’s data

7.1. By registering on the website the Customer provides the Contractor with the agreement on processing (i.e. collecting, systematizing, accumulation, storage, specification, usage, transfer, anonymization, blocking and erasing) their personal data and in accordance with the Confidentiality Policy acknowledges receiving informational and advertising messages from the Contractor.

7.2. The goal of the personal data processing is to render the Services in accordance with the present Contract including maintaining of operational communication with the Customer, providing the latter with comfortable conditions of using https://bruno-cash.com website, arrangement of payment for the Services procedure according to the Present Contract as well as to inform the Customer in terms of the services and products which can be of any interest for them.

7.3. The Contractor transfers the Customer’s personal data to payment services and banks to the extend required for making payment for the Services in terms of the Contract and exclusively for making the payment within the frameworks of executing of the duties foreseen by the Contract.

7.4. The Customer undertakes all required legal, organizational and technical measures to protect the personal data from illegal or accidental access to it, erasing, changing, blocking, copying, providing and distribution of the personal data as well as from any other illegal actions in terms of the personal data.

7.5. The Customer’s agreement for their personal data procession has no expiration date. The Customer’s agreement can be withdrawn by means of sending an application to the Contractor’s address, as well as by sending a corresponding written notification of any form to the Contractor’s e-mail.

7.6. The Contractor collects data which does not correspond to the information identifying the Customer’s personality and which becomes available due to the website usage (Сookie files). The Contractor uses the Cookie files with a view to ensuring operation of certain functions of https://bruno-cash.com website.

7.7. The Customer has a right to reject receiving informational and advertising messages from the Contractor using the following methods: a. by clicking on the rejection link which is enclosed to every Customer’s e-mail; b. by sending a corresponding request to Customer Support Service of the Contractor to the following address: [email protected]. The Customer has a right to ask the Contractor for obliteration of all the Customer’s handed over data and in that case the Contractor shall meet the Customer’s requirements on obliteration in the shortest possible time.

7.8. The Contractor’s processing of the Customer’s data is governed by legislation of Poland in force.

8. Duration and changing terms of the Offer

8.1. The Offer comes into force from the moment of its publishing in the Internet at URL: https://bruno-cash.com and is valid until its withdrawal by the Contractor.

8.2. The Contractor has a right to make changes or withdraw the Offer any time at their own discretion. In case of the Contractor’s making changes to the Offer the changes come into force from the moment of publishing of the updated text of the Offer in the Internet at URL stipulated in clause 8.1. unless other terms of their coming into force are stipulated additionally which is set forth at the publishing.

9. Duration and changing terms of the Contract

9.1. Acceptance of the Offer made in accordance with Section 6 of the Offer constitutes the Contract on the Offer terms.

9.2. The Contract comes into force from the moment of the Offer acceptance and is valid until: a. the moment of the Parties execution of their obligations in terms of the Contract or b. the moment of the Contract termination.

9.3. The Customer agrees and acknowledges that making changes to the Offer involves making these changes to the Contract concluded and executed by the Customer and the Contractor and these changes to the Contract come into force at the same time with the changes made to the Offer.

10. Termination of the Contract

10.1. The Contract can be terminated:

  • any time upon both Parties’ agreement.
  • at the instigation of any Party by means of notification of the other Party.

11. Guarantees

11.1. Having agreed with and accepted the present Offer terms by means of acceptance of the Offer the Customer represents, warrants and covenants the Contractor that the Customer:

  1. has studied the Offer terms completely
  2. has completely accepts the subject of the Offer and the Contract
  3. has completely understands the meaning and consequences of their actions in terms of concluding and executing the Contract.

12. Miscellaneous

12.1. The Contract, its concluding and execution is governed by legislation of Great Britain in force.

12.2. Any notifications in terms of the Contract can be sent from one Party to the other one by e-mail stipulated at registration on https://bruno-cash.com website

12.3. Should one or more terms of the Offer become for some reason invalid and carry no legal weight, then the invalidity mentioned above involves no influence upon invalidity of any other term of the Offer which remain in force

13. The Contractor’s details

E-mail: [email protected]